Sunday, June 12, 2011

Will the future king or queen of England be Jewish?

12 Jun 2011 | 10 Sivan 5771

A journalist objected to the following story, which I published on a blog--the journalist insisted that it cannot be true--but I prefaced it by saying that it came from the Internet--nobody was libeled and the statement seemed reasonable--

From the Internet:
      Sent by an Orthodox (Sephardic) rabbi in Israel:
      It is interesting to note the following in the family tree of Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William:
      Kate’s mother is Carol Middleton, daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy Harrison (both Jews)
      The parents of Dorothy Harrison are Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple (both Jews), the latter a descendant of the Myers family (traditional English Jews in the 19th century)
      Bottom line: Princess Kate is a Jew on her matrilineal side, and as a consequence, the future king of England will be a Jew according to Jewish Law and tradition.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Midnight in Paris

Enjoyable film by Woody Allen--I feel good that young people today will have some exposure to Zelda and Scott, Hemingway, Picasso, and so forth--

I had an encounter with Dali--Ralph Ginzburg, publisher of Eros magazine, contracted with him to write something for Eros--I was to do the research--so I researched something about...anality--sent him some leading articles on the subject--he submitted an utterly incomprehensible article-- we ran it, darkened by some paintings--Dali was utterly mad--

Re Hemingway, I prevailed about his widow, Mary, to write for Fact magazine--as I recall, she belittled the friendship of AE Hotchner with Hemingway--Hotchner had written about Hemingway as if he had been a special friend--she was a good writer, needed no editing--

I had thought Edmund Wilson was in the film, but he wasn't--I once wrote to Wilson, saying that I had heard that he wrote for every new magazine--he sent back his usual card, declining--but wrote, You have been badly misinformed"--