Friday, November 20, 2015

Remember Movie "Chapters"?

Remember movie serials? We called them “chapters. “ Besides the main feature (or two), there were exciting short films of ten or so episodes, most of them ending with a “cliffhanger”—the hero or heroine threatened with death, perhaps tied up on train tracks with a train barreling toward them. (In the next episode, our hero or heroine would be saved in the most ordinary, disappointing way.) Some serials involved the Lone Ranger or Captain Marvel or Dick Tracy. And occasionally someday-to-be-famous people appeared—like Ruth Roman. Robert Lowery was in them, of course -- he was, it seemed, in almost every other film of the ‘40s. I remember really scary serials—for example, one in which a big horrible spider ran across the screen. And I remember a serial featuring an irresistible skimply clad  “jungle girl”—the first female I ever had a crush on! And some serials were of foot races—and you, in the audience, might win if you had the right number. And in those races there was always a funny drunk with a fancy moustache and wearing a tux. Anyone remember who that gifted actor was?

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