Sunday, October 18, 2015

I'm so old that... (1)

I’m so old that I remember…

when drivers used hand-signals, to indicate if they were turning left or right or stopping….

having a coal bin, next to our house, where coal was dropped in. At the end of one winter, guess where we found our missing cat, Midnight….

we had a metal barrel in our yard, with round holes in it, for burning leaves and other debris in our yard…

we kept chickens—for eggs, and to eat. In the midst of a 40,000-pop city…

when boys before school played tag, hide-and-seek, and other physical games. The girls told us that they sang songs….

when the movies showed two films, and (sometimes) even three. My brother & I saw the three (cowboy) movies, then decided to see them again. While we were walking home, we met our mother walking to the theater:   Where the hell had we been?

when there were movie theatres all over the damn place…the Mayfair, the Alvin, the Temple, the Rivoli, the Rialto, the Capitol…

when cars had running boards and clutches…

when all TVs had test patterns…

when funny-looking people came around to sharpen your scissors and knives, and sell ice, and grind out music (with monkeys nearby)…

when everyone sat around the radio at 730pm to hear the William Tell Overture…before listening to The Lone Ranger…

 when we boys would check out various big dictionaries to see what they wrote about sexually suggestive words…

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